Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What is “TRUTH” and what is “FACT”? Are they synonymous of each other, or two words relative of each other while still being two separate views? My first case in point in offering this argument is that there is a long list of “Facts” that are no longer taught as such as they simply were found to no longer be TRUE. Among the many examples of this being that it had been taught as a fact that the Earth was in FACT flat. Mankind has since learned that the TRUTH was that the Earth was round. Today as I watch this news show or that news show I see more and more attempts by many to use perpetrated FACTS to hide the TRUTH. This has been seen on “both sides of the aisle” on congress, as well as the Liberal media outlets who in spite of the numerous recounts in South Florida, fouled up intelligence fiasco with the Iraqi nuclear program intentions, to the most recent attempts to connect the current Bush Administration to the Enron fallout, continue to attack the current administration instead of reporting actual relevant and factual news. This blog will be my foray in the world of social commentary on a public level, while continuously seeking to find the TRUTH in every story that appeals to my passion for my Life, my Liberty, and my right to the Pursuit of Happiness. By the way, for those “rights” defenders out there....these are the core rights from which the Constitution is based, and all that I am entitled to. Anyways, I invite all intelligent, educated, and informed comments or rebuttals, as I enjoy a good debate or discussion.

1 comment:

Benjamin said...

I didn't know I had taken a Hard side other than seeking forth truth. If truth is on your side and not mine in making forth the declaration that the Bush Administration has failed the nation, than your opening statement is futile! Though not mentioned or hinted to, in discussion you know that I dont have a favorable impression of Bush's administration. I've made the statement to you and others before that if it was the Senior Bush's intent to put both GW and Jeb in the White House, they put the wrong brother in first. Where as GW has seen the national budget into a historical deficit, doing nothing internationally or domestically to help the situation, younger bro Jeb has been one of only a handful of Governors, to operate their state to a Surplus, which in light of the hit taken by the Florida Tourism Industry after 9/11, and through the last two years' hurricane seasons, that logically would have proven more difficult than what JB has done. I know your beefs regardig the FCAT, and I agree with you, and have from the beginning that the FCAT system has done far more harm than good. We already had a testing system in place, at a national level that did just as efficent job in determining the educational efforts of our school system. Testing is not the solitary answer, and accountability soley upon this testing system is even worse. The are few High School Seniors in the state of Florida capable of applying for a Job. Knowing that a = (c/5) is great, but I you can't write a resume, and know how to interview, your knowledge is useless without real life skills.
Truth vs. Fact? Consider this.....
The facts presented in my AP American History class regarding the Mormon Church was greatly flawed. My Teacher (Pre FCAT Era mind you) taught the class not from the book when the chapter was read, but from an edited version which he asked me to write for him as extra credit. Istead of facts, Truth was taught. This is what I seek to find in what we do, as professionals, teachers, parents, etc.
Jimmy Carter was a very honest man, still is, but he was a failure to small business in America, and many people lost alot of hard earned money, and in some cases their very business's because of his economic policies. Think the current rate enviroment is bad right now? Thnk back to when you bought your first home in the early 80's. There are fund managers now who could only dream of the yields that certificates of deposit were giving in the early 80's. This was the consequence of the Carter Administrations ecomomic policies.
It is not my intention to beat an old horse, I mentioned what I did in the original post only because it is still the hot topic down here...frankly I'm tired of it because it doesn nothing to help the system progress in modern fairness.