Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Jewish Holocaust - (Introduction)

In the Fall of 2000, I was enrolled at Daytona Beach Community College. One of my night classes was Composition I. Our instructor gave us a list of eight topics. We were instructed to choose one, with that topic being the basis and theme of all assignments that would be completed during that class. All would lead to our final term paper. One of the topics was on the Jewish Holocaust. I was excited for this subject one, because of my passion for History, the other being my tremendous desire that the truth's behind the holocaust may be greater understood by myself, and my classmates. I was the only student in my class (of about 20) who chose this as their theme. I took great pride in my work. As my grandfather Thomas Medlin, a a member of the 1st Ranger Battalion during WWII, was among those who traveled Germany, liberating the Concentration Camps did his duty then. I felt it my Duty to continue in keeping alive the memory of the lives lost to the delusioned schemes of a mad man, brilliant in his own right, yeat even more so twisted and evil.
As Iran hosted a conference in determining if the Holocaust really happened, it inspired me to look through my files and find my work from that class. I will now post as best I can the work that was completed in that class. Please respect my efforts, and realize that this is copyrighted work. Thank you and enjoy, but most of all discuss and spread the word!


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