Monday, September 17, 2007

Great TV Drama!!!

Well after taking some time this summer to take a few shots at the state of our current TV offerings, I have GREAT news!!! PRISON BREAK IS BACK!!! Yep, and just a little more than an hour from this posting, the Third Season of Prison Break begins on FOX. If you are craving 'non-reality' drama that is superbly written, than you need to go no farther than FOX tonight at 8pm. (And it ends in time to watch MNF!!!)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

New DNC Contender!!!

Apparently from the material of his last video, looks like UBL has hired on some of the speech writers from the DNC.

New Layout!!

Today I made some upgrades to my PC, which eliminated the frustrating task of messing around with some design idea's that have been in my head. Primarly with the blog header. Expect to see the header change ofter over the course of the next month or so as I tinker around with these brainstorms!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Death of "A Great American Hero."

OK, I have a confession to make; I have, in my garage, a box. Not just any box, but a very special box. Inside of this box is what remains of my Transformers and GI Joe figurines. This box is controversial in my home; my wife feels that it needs to be burned. It is whenever this is said that I decide it’s time for a trip down memory lane and the box (and its contents) comes out to play.

This past summer was a great one for us Transformers’ Fan’s. This summer’s blockbuster hit movie of the same name was worth putting up with the tweeny’s who weren’t even alive when I bought my first Optimus Prime figurine (Only to have its’ legs broken off by a certain younger brother of mine.). The movie will certainly be a release date addition to my DVD collection when it’s released, I’m assuming this holiday season. I f you’ve not seen the movie yet, there are still a few theatre’s out there with the movie still showing.

This brings me to my other Childhood toy (and comic) obsession, G.I. Joe. This storied childhood hero has his roots back in the Second World War. The story is that this elite group of soldiers where the driving reason behind the defeat of the Germans in the European Theatre. As time evolved so did this hero, it would be further molded by the joint forces of Hasbro and Marvel Comics and soon we came to know GI Joe: A Great American Hero. Now the “Joes” were an Elite Spec Op team dedicated to fighting espionage and the terrorist organization know as C.O.B.R.A. The Joe’s by this point was a diversified unit of males, females, and was multi-racial. My personal favorite (And across the board most popular among all Joe fans) was the Ninja Espionage specialist, Snake Eye’s. The stories were well written aimed at a young demographic, providing storylines with a moral underlining. The COBRA team had characters that essentially represented in there own behaviors and past histories represented essentially the “seven deadly sins.” The Joe’s on the other hand balanced this with a representation of all that is right about “The American Way.” in defense of Truth, Freedom, and Justice.

Why mess with a good thing!!!??? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Do these phrases sound familiar? Apparently the execs at Paramount Pictures haven’t. Word as gotten out that the planned movie, based on the GI Joe’s and slated for a Summer 2009 release, has seen a drastic change to the make-up and mission of the GI Joe’s all in the name of “Global Acceptance.” Soooooooo an American Movie, produced by an American Film Studio, based upon an American Hero, is loosing his American identity in the name of foreign acceptance? If you listen carefully, you can hear the sinister laugh of Cobra Commander as his plans for the eventual demise of the Joe’s has finally come to be after struggling to do so for more than 30 years now.

Well for the sake of Paramount Pictures, its’ employee’s and its’ shareholders, I hope the film cost’s less than a few million to make and distribute. I feel that if this direction holds fast (The movie is still in pre-production), that this release will make the Lopez-Affleck mega-bomb “Gili” look like a blockbuster. I don’t even think it would be a profitable expense domestically as a straight to DVD release. Paramount, if your intention is to make a movie about a globally integrated military force, call it UN Joe, but don’t disrespect the men who gave their lives, inspiring the creation of “A Great American Hero.” For HASBRO, you need to come to your senses, there will be poor sales of any movie-related sales in the Toy isle’s. The expense you take in attempting to do so will prove detrimental to your stock. The disappointing sales reports get even worse. For me, its time to review my investment holdings and make sure that the Funds I own have minimal to no exposure to this farce of a business enterprise. It’s not too late however for the course to be changed and for this Movie to be done right. Follow the mold of the Transformers movie and present the characters that we grew to love (even the bad guys) as they were originally meant to be. Do this and you’ll be rewarded as greatly, perhaps even more so than with “The Transformers.”

Back from the Break

Well kiddo's I'm back, and soon on the next post (Already written...sitting on the laptop) it will be with a vengence!! I've been very busy over the last 2 weeks with work meetings and some long hours at the end of the month (Gotta hit those sales targets!) and personally as the month of September has 6 Birthdays and 1 Wedding Anniversary in my immediate family, all but 1 Birthday fall during the 1st 10 Days!! So, now that it's all out of the way, back to business.......