Saturday, February 03, 2007

Romney and the Iran issue.

The guys at posted a video clip and full transcript of Fmr Gov. Mitt Romney's (MA-R) remarks recently in Isreal concerning the current situtation with Iran. I recommend its' viewing and reading.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Jewish Holocaust
(Assignment: Final Term Paper)

“Holocaust (Greek holo, “whole”; caustos, ”burned”), originally, a religious rite in which an offering was entirely consumed by fire. In current usage, holocaust refers to any widespread human disaster, but when written Holocaust, it refers to the almost complete destruction of the Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany.” (Encarta, 1) In 1889, many events were taking place in the world. In the United States, exploration and migration to the pacific coast was still taking place. We were also seeing the end of the Indian Wars caused by the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Ironically, another of the significant events of this year wouldn’t be felt for another forty-three years, the birth of an Austrian boy named Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s reign of power only lasted twelve years, spanning from 1933 to his death in 1945. The horrors, conquests, and lessons taught during this twelve-year period were the culmination of hatred and delusioned self-reality that had been created and fueled in the years prior to his appointment as Germany’s Chancellor.

The horror of this time period is the Jewish Holocaust. More than six million Jews lost their lives during this period. The means of this process was horrific. More than three million were killed in concentration camps. These camps and their means of murder comprised of; Kulmhof (gas vans; 150,000 dead), Belzec (carbon monoxide, 600,000 dead), Sobibor (gas chamber, 250,000 dead), Treblinka (gas chamber, 800,000 dead), Majdenek (gas and shootings, 50,000 dead), and Auscwitz (hydrogen cyanide gas, 1,000,000+ dead). The Jewish ghetto’s claimed over 600,000 deaths, and more than 1,400,000 Jews were killed in mass shootings. When you include the death totals from the Allied nations, the total deaths from the European theater of WWII exceed fifteen million. The Jews would never find relief from this tyranny until their captors had abandoned them, or Allied forces liberated their concentration camps. Otherwise, up to that point in time, the only way out was death.

The events of the Holocaust and Hitler’s reign of destruction are over. Today, the Holocaust is nothing more than stories, memories, ruins, and museum exhibits. The greatest horror of Hitler’s time in power is found among six million lives taken, and those still living today with the memory forever etched into their hearts and minds. All of this came about because of their religious heritage, race, or disability. I feel that the greatest threat to us today that these events hold is the failure of our nation and the world to learn from this period in human history. It is the failure to learn, as well as our allowance of a repetition of the same tactics, practices, and teachings that have caused a resurrection of the demons created by Hitler’s dream and delusioned self-reality. Though presently small in comparison to what took place to the Jews in the 1930’s and 40’s, the deaths of those presently targeted by this delusioned dream will continue to pursue the haunting souls of the Holocaust. This pursuit will go on at a continuously growing rate if we continue to sit in a state of inanimate stupor.

The process by which Hitler attempted to bring to pass his delusioned dream of a superior Aryan nation began long before his accention to power. The focus of this paper is that of two key elements to Hitler’s success; the Legislative process and the civil machinery that made Hitler’s Final Solution possible. Hitler’s approach was one of carefully planned legal opposition, systematically laid out to achieve a German nation consisting of a perfected Aryan race. This included a complete extinction of the Jewish people all together. An essential and key element to this approach was the German bureaucracy, which infused all other participants with “it’s sure-footed planning and bureaucratic thoroughness.” (Browning) Hitler’s first move in the legislative portion of the final solution took place in 1933 when the German legislation passed the “Law for Restoration of the Civil Service.” This law empowered the nazi party and other’s who were also anti-semantic to remove from any civil office or position those not found loyal to the agenda’s and goals of the Nazi party. This would bring an end to the civil service and presence the Jewish people with the exception of the few who found this as an opportunity to rise up the ranks of the German government. In 1935, the “Reich Citizenship Law, the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor, and the Decree Defining the Mischlinge, or persons of mixed blood” were passed. This collection of laws is better known as the Nuernburg Laws. The possibility of any social identity and existence for Jews was vanquished by this collection of laws. The laws defined who was and wasn’t German, who German’s could associate with, court with, and worthy of procreation. It promoted an increase of procreation by those found to be genetically “ideal.” These laws further assisted with the desired isolation of the Jews into a more easily identifiable group. Finally in 1938 the “compulsory Aryanism Law” was passed and enforced bringing an economical crisis to the Jews. This Law forced the Jews to sell off all personal real estate, business, and equipment at a fraction of their real value. This caused a dependency upon the government for basic needs and was followed by the creation of the Jewish union in 1939, which would be placed under the control of the SS who was being led by Heinrich Himmler, Hitler’s chief assassin. This in effect would begin the Jews being led like a flock of sheep before the slaughter.

“The machinery of destruction, then, was structurally no different from organized German society as a whole; The difference was only one of function. The machinery of destruction was the organized community in one of its special roles.” (Brown) The process of eliminating the Jews was no small task, nor could the Nazi’s SS troops do it on their own. The mechanical elements of the Jewish holocaust was a well-organized orchestra of private industry in the German nation. The printing of propaganda, the transportation of the Jews via rail system, all made possible by the privately held corporations found in Germany. The German population found within itself two types of people; those who were actively assisting with the Final Solution, and those who willfully chose to ignore what was taking place for whatever reasons they may have had. Today history finds both to blame. In 1973 the United States legislature passed the Bank Secrecy Act. This act of laws was an attempt to curtail the use of American banks for the criminal money laundering operations. One of the “violations” of this act is called “willful blindness.” It happens anytime a bank employee is aware of suspicious activity involving a customer or depositor and chooses to do nothing. Another is “willful negligence” whereas a bank employ “assumes” that somebody else will act upon the suspicious activity. Both carry severe penalties, including termination of employment for the employee, and severe fines for both the employee and the financial institution. (An example would be Bank of America, with assets of 691 billion dollars could be fined up to 6.91 billion dollars for a single offense.) The penalties for these same actions on part of the Germans was no great for them personally, but devastating to the Jewish people. In 1945, after the concentration camps were liberated, allied forces forced the leaders and residents of neighboring communities to tour the insides of the concentration cams, including the gas chambers and mass graves. This “punishment” received mixed results, but none the less far too late for the six million Jews who lost their lives to a demonic tyrant and his delusioned nation. We know how history, with it’s facts and testimonies views the Germans, but how does and will it view us, the nation that rose from this event as the superpower of the world?

The hateful arrogance that was magnified by Hitler has always existed in smaller forms within our own nation. Going as far back as colonial times, we find instances of racial and ethical persecution. Or own constitution ruled that African slaves did not constitute and complete a “full person” when population was used in determining an individual states' weight in national elections (i.e. presidential elections.) In 1836, the Missouri and Illinois state legislatures both passed “extermination orders” ordering the complete extermination of Latter-Day Saints (a.k.a. Mormons) within their respective states. Missouri’s law would remain in effect until 1994 when a man used that law in defense of shooting a member of the LDS church. Following the conclusion of the American Civil War, a small group of confederate soldiers formed a anti-black organization known as the Ku-Klux-Klan. This organization would broaden its targets of expulsion to any who pose a threat to the White American. The organization, because of government action would nearly die out in the mid-60’s. Today, membership in the “Klan” is nearing all-time highs with totals in the ten’s of thousands. But more importantly, the Ku-Klux-Klan has allies within the United States, Europe, and Russia. Today we are seeing increasing racial movements among the Neo-Nazi’s and Skin Heads. While their influence and activity has varied from one region of the nation to the another, they have mastered one key Nazi trait, and that is the capitalization of Court definitions of the Bill of Rights, empowering them to broadcast, promote and recruit their cause. Again just as Germany of the 1930’s and 40’s, we have found two types of people in this country when it comes to this issue; those who act, and those who are act upon. People today have either chose to assist the cause, or actively seek to silence the hate breathing fire of these organizations. Those who assist are those who promote the cause and those who choose to be willfully blind or willfully negligent. Though they may not feel so, both parties will be found guilty of assisting the cause of these demons. What can we do? How can we bring this evil to an end and prevent the Jewish Holocaust and it’s nightmare from occurring again? We must start by putting down our foot, and say enough is enough!

“A society that permits anything will eventually lose everything!” (Maxwell, 67) We as a nation have allowed too much. The Constitution of this nation wasn’t about letting everyone do as they please. It was created in the light that man has certain rights that he is entitled to; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. These include the right to protect life, family and property, and the right to worship God, how we may, as this was the underlying cause for many who has sought refuge from the Protestant tyranny of the English crown. Today, more than ever these rights have been under extreme attack by those who seek only there own gain and pleasures. Like Germany, this nation has seen a rapid decline in it’s moral’s and allowances. The greatest threat to us today that the events of the Nazi Germany era hold is the failure of our nation and the world to learn from this period in human history. It is the failure to learn, as well as our allowance of a repetition of the same tactics, practices, and teachings that have caused a resurrection of the demons created by Hitler’s dream and delusioned self-reality. Though presently small in comparison to what took place to the Jews in the 1930’s and 40’s, the deaths of those presently targeted by this delusioned dream will continue to pursue the haunting souls of the Holocaust. We must act now, starting with an accountability of those who lead these groups for the actions of each individual in their cause. Following his trial and sentencing, Hitler’s chief architect, Albert Speer, said “For there are things, for which one is guilty even if one might offer excuses—simply because the scale of the crimes is so overwhelming that by comparison any human excuse pales to insignificance.” (Speer, 523) Are we a people of excuses or action, do we prefer to act, or to be acted upon? I prefer to act and my call and challenge to all is to do the same. If we truly desire to call ourselves American’s, believing that all men are equal, there is no other choice. It is time for this nation and the rest of this world to rise from our thrones of thoughtless stupor, and unite against the demon’s of the Holocaust and vanquish them forever.

Jewish Holocaust
(Assignment: In Class Film Review)

This is a summary of the film, The Architecture of Doom, shown in class on September 21, 2000. This film places a focus on the structure underneath the Nazi organization, and Adolf Hitler’s rise and fall from power. This film also shows the great significance of art, and the role that it played in Hitler’s life as well as how it affected his decisions.

The film begins with a couple of preludes to Hitler and the Nazi party. The film tells of how Hitler first sketched the Nazi symbol in 1923. The film tells of how Hitler’s interest in art and architecture provided the guidelines of how many buildings were built, bombings were planned, and what countries were invaded first. It is noted that the mass rallies held by the Nazi party were to represent the people as one body and one system leading to Nazi purification.

The film suggests that art held a first priority among the Nazi’s. It also provides a great contrast in which art was viewed by the German people and the Nazi’s. The film states that to the Germans, Jewish art was inferior, mongrel art that represented the doom of the German and Nazi nation. The film suggests that the modern German art showed the madness of a people and nation obsessed with the achievement of racial purity and perfection. The purification goals of the Nazi have come to life in the film when, on July 13, 1933, Hitler mandates the sterilization of the mentally insane.

The German view of art is further evidenced in the opening of the art exhibit “Celebration of Life” in May of 1935. The following a day, and exhibit of Jewish art, intent of the defamation of the Jewish culture is opened, and burned shortly thereafter. Hitler promotes the first principle of beauty is health. The film notes that the physicians now began to serve a new role of purging society of “impurities.” The film notes that for this reason (among others), all Jewish doctors in Germany were stripped of their medical licenses. The film then quotes German artist, and Nazi supporter Waldner as stating, “We will create the new German man, and fulfill (Hitler’s) will.”
The film shows how in 1935, Hitler began the process of creating a massive art collection. It is felt that this collection portrayed the Hitler’s limited comprehension of the world. The film shares how the Nazi’s stress that “Cleanliness in work and among the people would eliminate class structure and eliminate ugliness, creating a handsome and unified people. The Film then illustrates the Nazi view of genetic purification in focusing on Hitler’s fascination with the Greek sculpture of the discus thrower. In this sculpture, Hitler found his vision of the beauty of the man, “before it’s racial corruption.” The Jews are then portrayed as a parasite that had come upon Europe and destroyed its thousand-year-old culture.

The film shows that after ordering the death of boy, born without vision and a leg, establishes his action as a policy to be followed in like situations. In October of 1939 came the start of the German Euthanasia program. This came after Hitler’s invasion of Poland, in which he established the conquered nation as the testing field in which his “purification” programs would be tested. The film notes that at this time, German medicine was one of the best in the world. The film shows how Hitler’s plans for the rebuilding of Berlin was to build a city that would surpass the greatness and beauty of Paris, with Athens, Sparta, and Rome serving as model for his greet city. The film notes that the March Field was inspired from the Roman coliseum with a capacity exceeding over Five hundred thousand people.

The film feels that Hitler was fighting a modern war, with ancient war objectives. Hitler’s objective lacked material support. The film also shows the lack of moral as Hitler viewed the entrance of the United States into the war as the turning point of the conflict. In the autumn of 1941, over Seventy Thousand mental patients were gassed to their deaths. The film also points out that in 1941, the German SS began the final stage of the final solution in the creation of the Concentration camps. The film also notes that the “pursuit of a beautiful Germany” was used to further mask the true intents of the Nazi’s. In 1943, the Nazi’s “speed up and expedite “the purification of Germany from the Jews by replacing mass shootings with gas chambers. The film notes that throughout this process, Hitler used art as an emotional and mental escape from the realities of war.

Jewish Holocaust (Assignment 2:Comparative Essay)

This comparison contrast will illustrate the opinions and observations of historian, Christopher Browning, and his article, “The Process of Destruction,” as well as the viewpoints and facts presented in the Discovery Channel documentary film, Hitler: The Whole Story. Browning is a noted and well-versed historian, with several contributions towards the study of the Jewish Holocaust. His article is found in the book, Genocide; critical issues of the Holocaust printed in 1983 as companion to the like titled film. Hitler: The Whole Story is a critically acclaimed documentary film produced by Discovery Communications. Its presentation is well structured and adequately researched, also being based upon the book, Hitler by Jochim C. Fest. Both present eye opening and revealing presentations that go beyond the simple facts of the Nazi’s and the Jewish Holocaust. These two sources bring to our view, the underlying mechanical events that made Hitler’s rise to power possible and cause the deaths of over six million Jews. This is of great significance as we try to gain a personal understanding and appreciation of the events leading up to, and during the Jewish Holocaust. Only by learning the complete history of the Holocaust can we, in the twenty-first century stand a chance at preventing a relapse of the evils that took place during the 1930’s and 40’s.

The film, Hitler: The Whole Story illustrates many key and important facts pertaining to the beginning of the Nazi party and its rise to power. The film shows how the Nazi’s began as a very small minority among “the Old Guard” who vainly attempted to bring Germany back from the humiliation of the First World War. The film shows how Hitler seizes power, order, and solemnity through promises of returning Germany to a normal life, and return to world greatness. A key observation from the very beginning of the second volume in the film is that Hitler never learned to honor life, “but got plenty of mileage out of death.” The film observes how the Nazi’s effectively “used a two-faced, calculated psychological balance of fear and the fairground” in obtaining power, and blinding the world as to what their true agenda was. Their agenda was one, as noted by the film, fueled by Hitler’s personal fantasy of saving the world by creating a perfect Aryan race, which included the complete extinction of the Jews, whom he had grown to hate through the span of his life.

Hitler’s use of fanfare, bureaucratic process, and imagery made it possible to hide his intents in the backyards of both Germany and the Allied nations, while also serving as a fuel to feed is hungry delusions of grandeur. In the third part of the film, it is observed that the often lackadaisical, rarely stringent reactions of the Allies resulted in a “care-free Europe” being caught off guard with the threat of war following Hitler’s invasion of Poland. The film shows how Hitler would use photo sessions and public opportunities to further deceive the world and the public as to what his true agenda was. The film notes that the use of fire during their night rallies was used to symbolize the “cleansing of the world by fire.” Two failed attempts on Hitler’s life by senior Nazi’s would only further bolster Hitler’s delusions of grandeur. The film also notes that the primary purpose of the collection of Aryan elite, known as the SS was for the extermination efforts of “the Final Solution.”

Browning’s article places an emphasis upon the contributors to the Nazi’s rise to power and the holocaust outside of the concentration camps. Browning starts with noting Hitler’s “rational” approach, promising a “systematic legal opposition” to achieve “removal of the Jews all together.” He notes that the German bureaucracy was an “essential component of the machinery of destruction” which “infused” all other participants with “it’s sure-footed planning and bureaucratic thoroughness.” Browning then presents evidence that Anti-Semantic legislation produced by the various ministries within the German government began coming to law even before Hitler’s acquisition of power. Browning notes that the “Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service”, enacted in April of 1933, was the first Anti-Jewish law passed under Nazi rule. This law, as observed by Browning, represented a convergence of Nazi and German Ministry interest. This law also enabled the “dismissal” of those not found loyal to the Third Reich.

Browning illustrates the process of anti-sementic legislation with three phase’s, or “death’s.” Browning feels that the 1933 legislation represented the “civil death” of the Jews in Germany, by depriving them of equality in the nation. Browning states that the “Social Death” of the Jews came in 1935 with the passing of the Nuremberg Laws (The Reich Citizenship Law, and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor, and The Decree Defining the Mischlinge, or Persons of Mixed Blood.) These laws prohibited any Jew from coming in contact with any non-Jew. Browning then notes that the Jews then suffered “economic death” with the passing of the Compulsory Aryanism laws of 1938. Browning states that these laws forced the Jews into liquidating all of their business, and personal assets at a fraction of their real value. In 1939, as Browning shares, all Jewish organizations were abolished and Hitler formed the Reich Union of Jews, and placed it under the direction of Reinhard Heydrich. It is then noted that with Heydrich, who also served as Deputy to SS leader, H. Himmler, leading the new Jewish organization, the final step to placing the Jews into the hands of Hitler’s “assassins” achieved, bringing forth the beginning of the extermination of all European Jews.

There are many areas in which both sources agree. The film spends considerable time talking about the economic depression that was afflicting the German people, only fueling their contempt for the Jews, who despite the woes of many Non-Jews were enjoying economic security and growth. Browning adds that feelings of “defeat, humiliation, revolution, and the collapse of traditional values” fueled a longing for a “return to a bygone era.” Both also are quick to note the underlying of mechanics of bureaucracy that would lead to the legislation passed against the Jews, as well as that the SS was a product of the bureaucratic process, and it’s many components.

A critical agreement to observe in the study of these sources is concerning the role of the German nation in the Holocaust. While film shares how the citizens of Germany were forced to tour the concentration camps that lay in their backyard, Brownings article points out the more important fact is that without the assistance of the citizens of Germany, the SS would have never been able to “carry out mass murder.” Throughout both Browning’s article and the documentary film, Hitler’s “Final Solution” is described as a machine. Browning concludes his article with a quote from Raul Hilberg; “The machinery of destruction, then, was structurally no different from organized German society as a whole; The difference was only one of function. The machinery of destruction was the organized community in one of its special roles.”

I feel that society as a whole knows the general facts of the Jewish Holocaust. In the Discovery Channel film, it is stated that “the scourge of Hitler was a German phenomenon – its victims, millions of innocent human beings.” Hitler’s success and rise to power was made possible by those around him, those who put him in power, and those who allowed him to continue, the people of Germany. Though dead, Hitler’s ideals continue to scourge the earth. Fueled by hate, envy, contempt and pride, the ideals of Nazism continue to live strong not only in Europe, but here in the United States as well. It is growing and building upon a foundation of bureaucracy and a failure to up hold accountability. The success of this growth is predicated upon the support or opposition of the people. Do we care enough to act? Or will we find ourselves in the end, even as the Germans of the 1940’s. The extermination of minority groups, who are despised, has roots in American History reaching before Hitler into the 1800’s. But what does the Holocaust mean to us now? Think about the events taking place presently in the world as well as in our nation. Have we seen a rise or fall of Neo-Nazism? What about the Ku-Klux-Klan once thought to be near extinction. Take into careful consideration this thought presented at the end of the film, “This time history must not be allowed to repeat its self – the world must keep its vigil so that the holocaust of the Forties can never happen again.” Is that vigil being kept?

Jewish Holocaust - (A review of Alex Grobman's PBS documentary on Hitler.)

Alex Grobman begins in sharing a few key facts. The Jews alone were singled out for total annihilation. There was no master plan to kill all of the Poles, Czechs, Gypsies, or any other group. Grobman further notes that the approximently Ten Thousand Polish intelligensia and Catholic priesthood killed from 1939 to 1940 in Western Poland was to prevent these groups from becoming a political and spiritual force that could unite the nation against the Nazi’s. When the Nazi’s murdered Two-and-a-half million Russian prisoner’s-of-war, they were killing a military force that had fought them on the field of battle.

Grobman points out that the European Jews were different. To the Nazi leadership, Grobmen observes, the Jews were a satanic force controlling both the East and West, and posed a threat to the German nation. The Nazi’s felt that the only way to put an end to this “Jewish conspiracy” was to physically destroy every Jewish man, woman, and child. Hitler is quoted as saying that the failure to do so “would not lead to a Versailles treaty, but the final destruction, indeed, to the annihilation of the German People.”

Gobman further illuminates the ideology of the German hierarchy in quoting the head of the German “SS” troops, Heinrich Himmler. Himmler said that he did not feel “Justified in getting rid of the (Jewish) men… in having them put to death… only to allow their children to grow up and avenge themselves on our sons and grandsons… This race must be wiped off of the Earth.”
Grobman states that in order to further understand the difference between what happened to the Jews and non-Jews is to distinguish between the words “Genocide” and “Holocaust.” Raphael Lemkin, who coined the phrase “Genocide” said that a policy of the German system and program was one “of depopulation, promoting procreation by Germans in the occupied areas, introducing a starvation rationing system for non-Germans, and mass killings, mostly of Jews, Poles, Slovenes, and Russians.” Grobman interjects that this held true for most of Europe, but the Germans program for the Jews was different in that the Jews were “selectively murdered.” Grobman offers in support of his view in that non-Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe were kept alive to assist in the building of the Third Reich.

Grobman continues in noting that since the Jews did not hare the same fate as the other Europeans, a different word was needed in referring to the phenomenon. Thus came the word “Holocaust”, or “Shoah.” Grobman shares the thoughts of Henry Feingold in stating that the isolation of what happened to the Jews isn’t to cause a “contest to measure pain or degree’s of victimization… what is measured is the importance (and impact) of the event in history… the holocaust is an entirely different order of events in terms of its historical weight. History is not democratic; it does not assign equal import to like events. To forget that difference… is to risk losing the possibility of retrieving some meaning from the event.” Grobman further states that the meaning is found in its specificity rather that in what it shares with other events.
Grobman feels that focusing on the unique position of the Jews in the holocaust would help in learning much about the nature of western civilization. Grobman notes, that the European Jews by virtue of “its thinkers” such as Einstein, Freud, Marx, Kafka, and Proust were not a dissent minority, but an important component of the pre-holocaust Europe. Grobman points out the irony that the Jews were destroyed by a perverse use of an industrial process that had become a hallmark of modernity throughout the industrialized world.

Grobman states that the holocaust raises the question of whether civilization will accept the existence of minority groups in its midst as distinct entities with their own group consciousness. While he feels that the Jews have survived anti-Semitism, he questions as to whether “the west can survive it’s persisting nature.” He notes that films about the holocaust and holocaust era films such as Genocide compel us to learn from the past, though do not intend to engender hate or prejudice towards other nations and groups. Protestant theologian, Franklin Littell, as quoted by Grobman suggests that our study of the holocaust be as a social pathologist studying a “sick society” in order to discover how people of every class of German society participated in the destruction process. Other Jews who did so without being forced to do so “by any external threat” did so because it was part of their job. It is noted by Christopher Browning that an internal compulsion on the part of the participating Jews was to maintain an unstained record, thus blotting out any sense of individual responsibility, as “they became dehumanized.”

Grobman was frightened by an assertion by Himmler that the people involved with the annihilation of the Jews had remained decent, creating a tougher society, to serve as a “never-to-be-written, glorious page in German history.” Grobman stresses that if we allow the holocaust to be treated as unwritten, we will never be able to sensitize “our fellow citizens” to the dangers inherent within the “western culture.” He notes that with our civil bureaucracy, advancements in technology, science, and business, centralized government, and highly trained police and military provides us with the capability of destruction comparable to the holocaust. In his final statement, Grobman expresses unsurity as to whether “Auschwitz has become an external warning, or merely the first station on the road to the extermination of all races and the suicide of humanity.”

The Jewish Holocaust - (Introduction)

In the Fall of 2000, I was enrolled at Daytona Beach Community College. One of my night classes was Composition I. Our instructor gave us a list of eight topics. We were instructed to choose one, with that topic being the basis and theme of all assignments that would be completed during that class. All would lead to our final term paper. One of the topics was on the Jewish Holocaust. I was excited for this subject one, because of my passion for History, the other being my tremendous desire that the truth's behind the holocaust may be greater understood by myself, and my classmates. I was the only student in my class (of about 20) who chose this as their theme. I took great pride in my work. As my grandfather Thomas Medlin, a a member of the 1st Ranger Battalion during WWII, was among those who traveled Germany, liberating the Concentration Camps did his duty then. I felt it my Duty to continue in keeping alive the memory of the lives lost to the delusioned schemes of a mad man, brilliant in his own right, yeat even more so twisted and evil.
As Iran hosted a conference in determining if the Holocaust really happened, it inspired me to look through my files and find my work from that class. I will now post as best I can the work that was completed in that class. Please respect my efforts, and realize that this is copyrighted work. Thank you and enjoy, but most of all discuss and spread the word!
